Volunteers’ Week Competition: Winners Announced!

Our amazing volunteers recently participated in a competition to share what volunteering means to them through photo and writing. We wanted to share their contributions and say a massive thank you for participating – as well as thank you to all our volunteers for the help and support they give us.
First Place: Gaynor Aaltonen
“When I was 13, or maybe 14, a friend’s aunt took three of us schoolgirl friends for the holiday of a lifetime: staying in her immaculate city flat in Brussels; travelling on an elegant train to have coffee and croissants in Paris; visiting a chic boutique and going to an art gallery for the very first time.
Foreign travel, all under the guiding hand and watchful eye of beautiful, sophisticated ‘Aunt Joan’. I was worried about all the money she was having to spend; we ourselves, of course were still children, and we had nothing. She told me: ‘What goes around, comes around. You will one day give something back to someone. This is one way I have of giving back for all the good others have done me.’
I’ve never forgotten that, and in following her advice I’ve found that contributing towards your community is one step towards making a community.
This is deeply rewarding in many ways, and the funny thing is it helps you to explore your own abilities as well. Everything that you are capable of; things you don’t have time for in a busy job.. This is what volunteering means to me; Becoming part of something bigger.
Oh, and the punchline? In the 1950s, when she was only 17, Joan had been robbed in a station in Paris. All alone in a strange city, and not at that stage speaking any French, she began to sob. A kind man saw her plight and rescued her. He paid for her lunch, helped her report the theft to the police, and paid for her train fare back to England. He was a total stranger.”
Second Place: Gaenor Holland Williams
“The value of voluntary work is the increase in wellbeing it brings to those who benefit from the projects and other work Healthwatch does, including us as volunteers. We come from diverse backgrounds, including the world of paid work, which brings not only a range of experience and contacts; also different perspectives which increase attitude and understanding.”

Third Place: Sabrina Racine
“Volunteering for me means trying to bring light into people’s lives which I think this picture represents well! Volunteering is also beautiful like this lovely sunset.”

Fourth Place: Fay Sandler
“Volunteering is about forming friendships. This picture of my daughter's dog and their friend by the seaside perfectly captures that sentiment.”

A massive congratulations to all the winners! We are always on the lookout for new volunteers, so please get in touch if you are interested in volunteering with us.