Q&A Discussion: your experiences and recommendations for mental health services
We are piloting a project on the NHS Healthwatch Central West London is piloting a project on the NHS Equality Delivery System (EDS) specific focusing on patient access and standard of care, to find out how care is being delivered by collecting views of people attending the (CNWL) Central North West London NHS services. Whether your experience is negative or positive your views matters to us.
The purpose of EDS is to help organisations to make improvements, in discussion with local partners, review and improve their performance for people with protected characteristics…( age, gender, race, religion, sexuality, maternity, disability, sex and sexual orientation), by the Equality Act 2010. This is a way for NHS organisations to follow the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).
Therefore, if you do use CNWL services, particularly mental health and would like to join a Q&A discussion on what your experience was like using this particular service and would like to make recommendations, please feel free to join a Zoom session with Sumita Ahmed, Healthwatch CWL Engagement Lead on zoom Wednesday 5th August 2pm.
There is more information on the questionnaire attached: EDS2 Questionnaire to Download
Please confirm attendance first, then a Zoom Link will be sent out to you shortly afterwards.