Join the Patient and Carer Advisory Group about Waiting Lists

Perhaps you or someone you care for have experienced being on an NHS waiting list for planned care in West London and would like to share your views. One way of doing this is by joining the Patient and Carer Advisory Group. This ensures that the voices of those who use a service – such as patients and carers – are heard, their views are expressed, and their needs are always at the centre of health care services, making them relevant and responsive to local needs.
Imperial College Health Partners, Imperial College London, and the North West London Integrated Care Board have been funded by the Health Foundation to run the North West London Networked Data Lab. The Networked Data Lab is the first network of its kind, bringing together analytical teams from across the country to work with their local communities and develop a deeper understanding of the factors affecting people’s health in the UK.
The Networked Data Lab’s next focus will be to explore issues around NHS waiting lists in North West London. As part of this, we’re looking for 8 patients and carers living in North West London who have experience of being on an NHS waiting list to receive planned care, or who have cared for someone on a waiting list. We want you to join our Patient and Carer Advisory Group to help ensure that the voices and perspectives of the local community are at the heart of our project. You would take part in four workshops between May 2024 and May 2025, and would be paid £25 an hour for your time.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please visit by Sunday 21st April to apply.
Please contact Jodie at or at 07561 873711 if you have any questions.