Is summer making you worried about your eating or body weight? The NHS is here for you

It can be challenging to see holiday pictures on social media and you might compare yourself to others.
If this difficulty is leading to:
- Worrying about your body weight and shape
- Feeling like you need to compensate for your eating in some way (for example by exercising, vomiting)
- Limiting food intake to manage weight and shape worries
- Binge eating (feeling out of control and eating a very large amount of food all at once)
- Low self-esteem
The NHS is here for you, their STRIDES service want to help before these difficulties get worse.
STRIDES (Support to Recovery in Disordered Eating Service) helps to prevent a more serious eating disorder. They support young adults aged 16-35 with a GP in Brent, Harrow, Hillingdon, Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea.
They are an NHS mental health team made up of clinicians, they listen and support people by providing quick access to effective, evidence-based talking therapies that offer practical skills to regulate your eating, understand and manage difficult emotions, and improve your body image.
Everyone is different, they support people with a range of eating difficulties, if you’re unsure they can help, just get in touch with them, if they can’t help they will put you in contact with another service that can.
You don’t need to go to your GP to be referred, call them directly on: 0203 028 7080 or email
To find out more about STRIDES and meet our team, visit our STRIDES webpage.