Community perspectives on the impact of the closure of acute mental health services at the Gordon Hospital

Healthwatch RBKC and Westminster developed this project based on feedback and concerns shared with us about acute mental health services since the closure of in-patient mental health beds at the Gordon Hospital in 2020. This report is intended to supplement the ongoing discussions and public consultation. From June to September 2023, we spoke with over 100 people about their experiences and perspectives of mental health services in the bi-borough. We heard from people of diverse backgrounds and experiences, including representatives of healthcare services, charities, community organisations and residents’ associations, as well as community members and patients with lived experiences of acute mental illness.
Our key findings were related to patients’ experiences of long waits and disjointed care; effects on mental health services at St Charles Hospital in Kensington; impact on vulnerable groups, especially people who are rough sleeping in Westminster; concerns about the Gordon Hospital building and infrastructure; feedback on the CNWL pre-consultation process; and recommendations for improving mental health services in the bi-borough.
This report provides an overview of the diverse perspectives and experiences shared with Healthwatch. We aim to continue sharing our input in the ongoing consultations and discussions surrounding acute mental health services in the bi-borough. Please contact us at or if you have any questions or would like to get involved.
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